The name Trio Eccentrico (Eccentric Trio in English) was chosen because thegroup was founded by three musicians, each coming from their own artistic experiences, who have been pursuing this unusual project for almost fifteenyears, collaborating outside of their respective professional fields. The adjective “eccentric” refers to the fact that the group is not strictly “classical”, in fact it is a esthetically distant from the common idea of a chamber trio, which was more successful thanks to the use of the violin, cello and piano; but it is similar inthe tone, color and care of expression, which is always rigorous and elegant. In November 2002, Trio Eccentrico also played in France, where it gathered critical acclaim and applause from the audience who saw the three musicians perform in the picturesque setting of the Nieul Castle, near Limoges. Trio Eccentrico also distinguished it self for winning first prize as best chamber ensemble at the City of Vignola International Music Competition (near Modena) where it received rave reviews from Maestros Sergio Perticaroli and Maureen Jones. In summer 2003, the three musicians attended the chamber music masterclass for wind instruments held by the instructors of “Quintetto Bibiena” at the International Chigiana Academy of Siena. Trio Eccentrico has become well established in the national music scene and has performed in various at:Chiese Corti e Cortili - Bologna, Sala Bossi - Bologna, Rossini Theater - Lugo,International Museum of Ceramics - Faenza, Cortili Aperti - Modena, I martedě di San Domenico - Bologna, I Concerti della domenica at "Circolo Sersanti" –Imola, Giardini Margherita - Bologna, Viva Bologna, I concerti nei Cortili -Cervia, Town Hall Theater - Russi, Emilia-Romagna Festival, Notturni alle conserve - Cesenatico, Umbria Estate, "Luoghi Immaginari" Tassarolo -Alessandria, Teatro Pavone - Perugia, "Valsesia Musica" Varallo Sesia - Vercelli,"Rassegna d'Autunno" Cappella dei Mercanti - Turin, "Imola in Musica", TownHall Library - Imola, "Bologna Estate", Fine Arts Academy, "Nei Suoni e neiLuoghi"- Nova Gorica, Slovenia, "Phonč 2008" - Perugia, "Gli aperitivi del Resto del Carlino" - Bologna, "Bologna estate 2010" "MAMbo”, Museum of ModernArts "- Bologna, "Festival MITO" - Milan, "Musica in Castello" - Parma, etc..While favoring the study and performance of a repertoire based on originaleditions, Trio Eccentrico is not confined to the “already heard and seen” but it faces transcriptions of various kinds with versatility, in a spirit of passionate experimentalism. The tribute to "Federico Fellini" is in this vein; it premieredon August 28, 2004 in Ravenna and was performed again in several Italiancities with Cristiano Cavina and recently with Renato Geremicca and the Gerebros Creative Lab that produced a record and a show entitled “Racconto di Fellini” (Fellini’s Tale), broadcasted by Radio3 Rai on January 7, 2012. Onoccasion, Trio Eccentrico plays as a quartet with the horn players Benedetto Dallaglio and Giovanni Cacciaguerra, performing overtures by Rossini, Verdi,Bellini and Mascagni chiefly arranged by Paolo Geminiani. In October 2007, Trio Eccentrico was invited by the Italian Cultural Institutes of Addis Ababa(Ethiopia) and Nairobi (Kenya) where it presented a program dedicated to themost famous films of Fellini. In March 2010 it was invited by the Italian Cultural Institute of Wolfsburg (Germany), where it performed opera pieces asa quartet, with the horn player Imerio Tagliaferri. In the same year, Trio
Eccentrico was also invited by the Italian Cultural Institute of Warsaw (Poland).In 2011, Trio Eccentrico played with the pianist and arranger Gabriele Bertozzi in a comic musical show entitled "Cambiano i suonatori ma la musica no"(Musicians change, but not music) with the comedian Duilio Pizzocchi. In the same year, the trio began a stimulating collaboration with the percussionist Marco Zanotti, with whom it performs a reinterpretation of jazz standards as well as an original version of “Peter and the wolf” for wind quintet and percussion. In 2012, thanks to a collaboration with the tenor Andrea Giovannini, Trio Eccentrico carried out a project dedicated to the opera world entitled "Opera in pillole" (Opera in a nutshell). In 2013 it collaborated with Darren Langlands and Amir Rahimzadeh for the composition of a soundtrack ofa short film entitled "La Gazza" (The Magpie), which was produced in Englandby 33 Films Ltd and distributed by Alt Angle Films. In 2014 Trio Eccentrico was invited by the Italian Cultural Institute of London to give a concert as a quartet with the horn player Dallaglio.