Javier Gonzalez was born in 1973 in Cordoba, Argentina, and graduated at the“O. Mascagni” Music Institute in Livorno, where he studied the bassoon underthe guidance of Maestro Paolo Carlini (first bassoonist of the ORT – Regional Tuscany Orchestra). He attended masterclasses with Maestros S. Azzolini and E. Marshall and received his master’s degree at the Conservatory of Cesena,under the guidance of Marco Lugaresi. He attended a chamber music courseheld by “Quintetto Bibiena” at the Chigiana Academy of Siena. He alsoattended orchestra training courses in Spoleto and Saluzzo. He has participatedin chamber concerts groups such as: “Fiati di Ancona”, “Fiati Italiani” and“Solisti Teatini”. He is currently collaborating with several orchestras, including “Savona Symphony Orchestra”, “Camerata del Titano”, Orchestra of the “TeatroLirico Sperimentale” of Spoleto, “City of Ravenna” Orchestra, “Luigi Cherubini”Youth Orchestra, “B.Maderna” Orchestra of Forlì, Chamber Orchestra of Marche, Accademia Bizantina, Italy Symphony Orchestra, Ravenna Chamber Orchestra, “Fantasia in Re” Orchestra of Reggio Emilia, Rossini Symphony Orchestra, OFI - Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana, Orchestra of the “Teatro La Fenice” of Venice, Imola Chamber Orchestra and “Camerata Strumentale” of Prato conducted by: R. Muti, A. Zedda, G. Garbarino, U. Benedetti Michelangeli, R. Abbado, M. Rota, G. Costin, Johnathan Webb, JulianKovatchev, Marco Boni, Alexander Lonquich, Filippo Maria Bressan and others. With these orchestras he participated in recordings and concerts broadcastedby RaiSat, Sky Classica and Radio Vaticana. In the summer of 2001, heperformed in the production of Bellini’s opera “The Capulets and the Montagues” at the Ravenna Festival. In early 2002, he founded the “Trio Eccentrico” with the flutist Massimo Ghetti and the clarinetist Alan Selva.